2016年7月18日 星期一

【紅燒鱈魚】 Braised Cod Fish

【紅燒鱈魚】Braised Cod Fish

1. 鱈魚片:1片。
2. 蒜:1瓣(拍碎)。
3. 薑:少許(切絲)。
4. 青葱:1支(切絲)。
5. 調味:2大匙日式甜醬油+2大匙味醂
6. 清酒:1/4杯。
7. 勾芡水:1/3杯水+1小匙玉米粉

1 piece of Cod fillet (with Skin)
1 garlic clove, crushed
touch of shredded ginger
1 green onion (shredded)
2 table spoons of Mirin
2 table spoons of Kikkoman Tempura Dipping Sauce (or Soy Sauce)
1/4 cup of Sake
1 tea spoon of corn starch + 1/3 cup water

1. 首先將魚片浸泡於清酒中(至少10分鐘)
     Fish fillet soaked in sake (above 10 mins)
2. 在魚片上抹上一層薄薄的玉米粉。
     Coat the fillet with a light film of corn starch.
3. 鍋中加入1/2杯油,油熱後將魚片(帶皮面朝下)放入以大火煎炸5-8分鐘至焦黃。
     Add 1/2 cup of oil, then put the fillet in (skin face down). fry about 5-8 mins to brown.  
4. 隨後翻面繼續大火煎至焦黃
    flip the fish , and continue to fry until golden brown 
5. 取出放至盤中,並將切好的葱絲灑於其上。
    Then put on dish, and put the green onion as garnish.
6. 取另一小平底鍋,開小火,放入一小匙油,隨後將蒜末及薑絲放入爆香。
     Take a small pan, in low heat. Add 1 table spoon of oil,
    and put the minced garlic and ginger in until aroma raised.
     Mix with Kikkoman Tempura Dipping Sauce and Mirin and stir.
8. 最後勾芡後淋於魚上,即可食用。
     Thicken with corn starch, and topped on fillet.

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